Prodigal - Mornington Peninsula
“ We are a small batch coffee roaster on the Mornington Peninsula, Victoria. We roast coffee for coffee nerds and everyday drinkers. Banging coffee, hard work and good times is what it’s about for us. Simple. Approachable. Delicious. That’s whats important to us. If you want any info, wanna grab a bag or just wanna say how much you love us, hit us up. We are stoked to get some of our coffee in your cup!"

"Our house blend. Blend components rotate seasonally to ensure the freshest and tastiest coffees make up our blends."
50% - Colombia AMACA La Independencia &
50% - Guatemala Finca Rio Ocho
Roast date - 5/4/2024
Process - Washed
Flavour notes - Butterscotch, Chocolate brownie, Plum
"Jorge Enrique Solarte owns this beautiful two hectare farm in Pitalito Huila. He began coffee production in 2010 and began with mostly Tabi variety but did not have success with this variety and has since transitioned to Caturra, Pink Bourbon, and Colombia with much better results.
Jorge fertilizes his land every four months and clears the land around the trees of debris monthly. He takes a very meticulous approach to land maintenance.
Main harvest here usually runs from September through November with a fly crop “mitaca” from March-April. They pick every 15 days during these timeframes for optimal cherry maturation.
After coffee is picked, it is pulped with a traditional pulper and fermented for 72-80 hours in water tanks followed by two washes with clean water. Jorge dries on raised beds under parabolic dryers."
Farm - La Buena Vista
Origin - Pitalito, Huila, Colombia
Roast date - 5/4/2024
Variety - Caturra
Process - Washed
Flavour notes - Sugar cookie, Dried apple, White tea
"Aricha is the name of the washing station where this coffee is processed. Edido is the village, or kebele, where this coffee is grown and processed, in a microregion of Yirgacheffe. Aricha is about 8 kilometers from the center of Yirgacheffe Town. The soils in this region are red-brown clay soil, about 1.5 meters deep. We like the complex, almost tropical quality of coffees from Aricha, along with their juicy fruitiness and sugary, floral sweetness.
Coffees in Ethiopia are typically grown on very small plots of land by farmers who also grow other crops. The majority of smallholders will deliver their coffee in cherry to a nearby washing station or central processing unit, where their coffee will be sorted, weighed, and paid for or given a receipt. Coffee is then processed, usually washed or natural, by the washing station and dried on raised beds."
Farm - Various smallholder farmers delivering to the Aricha Washing Station
Origin - Edido, Aricha, Yirgacheffe, Ethiopia
Roast date - 5/4/2024
Variety - Heirloom
Process - Anaerobic Natural
Flavour notes - Strawberry, Raspberry jam, Honey
"Arsosala is a washing station founded in 2015 that currently serves about 1,200 smallholder producers in the Urga woreda of Guji.
Washed lots at this washing station are delivered ripe, depulped the same day, fermented overnight, and washed before being soaked/fermented underwater for 8–16 hours. Then they are washed again. The total fermentation time is between 48–72 hours. The coffee is dried on raised beds for 9–12 days.
Coffees in Ethiopia are typically traceable to the washing station level, where smallholder farmers—many of whom own less than 1/2 hectare of land, and as little as 1/8 hectare on average—deliver cherry by weight to receive payment at a market rate. The coffee is sorted and processed into lots without retaining information about whose coffee harvest is in which bag or which lot."
Farm - Various smallholder farmers delivering to the Arsosala Washing Station
Origin - Arsosala village, Uraga, Guji, Ethiopia
Roast date - 5/4/2024
Variety - Heirloom
Process - Washed
Flavour notes - Dark berries, Plum, Brown sugar
Espresso - 9 bar Brew ratio - 1:2.4 (dry coffee : espresso liquid) Temp - 94 Deg C Time - 25-30 seconds. *Adjust grind size to achieve the desired time
Espresso - 6 bar Brew ratio - 1:2.7 (dry coffee : espresso liquid) Temp - 94 Deg C Time - 25-30 seconds. *Adjust grind size to achieve the desired time
Pourover Temp - off the boil Ratio - 1:13 (dry coffee:water) Bloom - 30 seconds Flow rate - fast *Adjust grind size to achieve desired flow rate |
Aeropress Temp - off the boil Ratio - 1:13 (dry coffee : water) Bloom - 30 seconds Brew time - 90 seconds (including bloom) Press consistently over 15-20 seconds. |
Stove top Ratio - 1-14 (dry coffee : water) |
1 comment
This Yirg is so luscious!! Love it!!