Coffee in Common - Adelaide
"Howdy we’re Coffee in Common, a small batch roastery & café based in Hindmarsh, South Australia. Our focus is on supporting & showcasing high end coffee as well as to support & purchase from farms practicing sustainable practices so we can keep enjoying a bloody good cup of coffee for years to come.
This ties in with our café and unique warehouse space where we showcase our roasting as well as local produce to create unique brunch dishes showcasing seasonal local produce."
Welcome to Coffee in Common, our first returning Adelaide feature! Besides having a super fun & funky brand, Coffee in Common roasts delicious, ethically sourced coffee. They serve this wholesale and through their cafe in Hindmarsh, Adelaide. I highly recommend you check these guys out next time you're down there.

"Heaps good is…..heaps good, a coffee that will get your taste buds tingling. Your go to coffee in the morning that you know will hit the spot every time.The Colombian component gives the blend its juicy orange flavour, shortbread sweetness with a punchy body whilst the Ethiopian counterpart gives the blend its delicate berry and red grape flavours. Heaps Good is best enjoyed both black and white anytime of the day."
Roast date - 1/12/2023
Varieties - Caturra, Castillio,
Process - Washed / Natural
Flavour notes - Orange peel, Red berry, Caramel
" This blend gives you the zoomies. Like a holiday in Italy, picturesque summers day in the alps, a nice hot machinetts (stovetop) waiting for you with your breakfast spread. A kick up the booty that’ll make you go zoomy, it’s a sweet toffee apple, vanilla wafer surprise. A bloody good milk coffee, it’ll cut through even the jumbo-est of mochas. Your lattes will taste like hazelnut praline. The fuel that will get you on your bike riding across that velvety night sky, like Elliott riding with E.T in tow, with our lightning bolts a glowing, they’ll light up so we can see where we are going."
Roast date - 1/12/2023
Variety - Caturra
Process - Natural / Natural
Flavour notes - Hazelnut, Toffee, Panela sugar
"Nestled in the verdant hills of Huila, Colombia, the small town of Palmera stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of coffee cultivation. Here, amidst the Andean foothills, smallholder farmers have transformed their land into a canvas of coffee cultivation, painting a picture of dedication and passion that resonates in every bean they produce.
In Palmera, coffee is more than a crop; it's a way of life. The region's unique microclimate, characterised by a harmonious blend of rainfall, altitude, and temperature, creates an ideal environment for growing Arabica beans. These conditions, combined with the rich volcanic soil, contribute to a coffee profile that is as complex as it is delightful."
Origin - Small Holder Producers, Huila, Colombia
Roast date - 01/12/2023
Variety - Caturra
Process - Washed
Flavour notes - Caramel, Orange candy
"Las Flores is operated by producer Rojer Antonio Dominguez Marquez, along with 10 seasonal employees and two permanent employees. The farm was purchased in 1993 by Rojer's father, Alfonso Dominquez Calix. Roger aims to produce high-quality coffee while also making efforts to protect and sustain the natural resources and wildlife that exists on the estate.
Las Flores is a 3.5-manzana plot, with all of the area dedicated to growing coffee. Finca Las Flores produces approximately 150 quintales per year. Among the coffee plants, orange trees, avocado trees, and guachipilín trees are grown to provide shade."
Producer - Rojer Antonio Dominguez Marquez
Origin - Las Flores, Montecillos, Marcala, Honduras
Roast date - 01/12/2023
Variety - Catuai
Process - Natural
Flavour notes - Cherry, Dark chocolate, Brown sugar
Espresso - 9 bar Brew ratio - 1:2.2 (dry coffee : espresso liquid) Temp - 94 Deg C Time - 25-30 seconds. *Adjust grind size to achieve the desired time
Espresso - 6 bar Brew ratio - 1:2.5 (dry coffee : espresso liquid) Temp - 94 Deg C Time - 25-30 seconds. *Adjust grind size to achieve the desired time
Pourover Temp - off the boil Ratio - 1:15(dry coffee:water) Bloom - 30 seconds Flow rate - fast *Adjust grind size to achieve desired flow rate |
Aeropress Temp - off the boil Ratio - 1:14 (dry coffee : water) Bloom - 30 seconds Brew time - 90 seconds (including bloom) Press consistently over 15-20 seconds. |
Stove top Ratio - 1-13.5 (dry coffee : water) |